Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Star Wars: A Series of Missed Opportunities and story decisions. (AKA Star Wars: The Last Jedi)

Star Wars:  A Series of Missed Opportunities and story decisions.  (AKA Star Wars: The Last Jedi)

I honestly don't believe the movie deserves a three-part review. So, I am not going to waste my time on it. It is not a terrible movie and looks fantastic, but the story and characterization are weak. After the great build up and true cliffhanger from the ending of TFA, TLJ feels like such a letdown with the manner Rian handled the threads left from TFA.
-Rian Johnson what did you do to the trilogy? I actually like some of the other Johnson movies, but they did have some weak story aspects to them well. The character seems a bit off and strange acting, while others are taken in different directions.  It feels like Rian took the brilliant world building set up by JJ and hated what he saw and crushed it. Instead of worrying about geeks on Twitter, he needed to take another pass on the script.
-Carrie Fisher's Leia should have died: You had a brilliant way to write her out of the series by having Kylo Ren killing her just like he did with Han. You do the re-shoots with a new leader (Holdo).
- Vice Admiral Holdo : Speaking of Holdo, she is one of the worse SW characters written since Jar Jar. While the movie attempts to go all out of its way to make her seem like the righteous and knowledgeable leader, but she pretty is in charge of one of the worst military decisions ever. I know some people called her the Anita/Zoe Quinn of the SW universe, but I wouldn't go that far. She isn't that terrible. There were ways to make looks like a smart leader. Why did she withhold the information?
-Rose Tico : I have very little to say about the actress that plays her. It is the character that is the issue. I could go on and on about how poorly written she is. Instead of showing us her plight, she becomes a mouthpiece for the world around her and past. And, don't get me started on the stupid and useless subplot about the code-breaker.
-Did I mention that the code-breaker storyline goes nowhere and does nothing?
-Who was Snoke?  Who cares?  Rian doesn't:  What was the point of introducing this mysterious new evil bad guy only to kill him and push him aside?  Poor, poor writing.  Clearly, JJ had bigger plans for Snoke, but Rian just kills him off without much of a care. This is poor writing.
-That Crimson Guard lightsaber battle was sweet though:  One thing Rian did get right is the battle with the crimson guards.  They finally lived up to the hype of them being badasses.  They've been in the background of all these movies and we have never seen them fight.  The expanded universe has them being total badasses, but not in the real SW universe.  The giant saber fight scene is well-directed and intense and this could have led to something bigger.  It feels like something from the prequels as far as battles go.   
-The Rey and Luke stuff is boring and not well thought out: It sort of changes the scene that happened in the TFA. Luke really didn't know Han died? He couldn't feel it? Really, Rian? The training goes nowhere and comes across as strange.

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