Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sanka:  The worlds shittest coffee 

I was talking to a brewing hipster.  I mentioned Sanka and the fact that old people seem to really like this instant coffee brand.  You want to age up to 50-70? Buy and Drink Sanka.  Before Starbucks and hipsters/d-bags buying overpriced coffee, I was a coffee drinker.  I actually bought a few bags of Sanka and remember it tasting really bad...bitter. 
Instant coffee is basically instant chocolate milk for old people.   Make sure to check out the history behind this terrible coffee.  The founder had to rename his brand Sanka when the US government took away the original name.  

It appears that old dude Robert Young was the spokesman for Sanka.  Yep, get an old dude to promote your old coffee.  I have to wonder if hipsters will start drinking this shit to be ironic. 

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