Saturday, September 15, 2018

Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck gone?

Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck gone?
I didn't think Affleck would last long. He looked completely bored in the JL movie.  But, Henry leaving is a shock.  Because of this, DC is pretty much screwed.  And, I am happy about it.  I want to see DC fall on its face in order for it right this ship.  
At this point, it might be okay for DC to start over again. Except to do a Flashpoint story. Have a huge and powerful Flash movie where Flash restarts the DC universe with major changes after he resets the story. Keep Wonder Woman the same, but change everything else.
Make Batman young...18 years old. And, re-cast Superman and make him established.
Despite these new developments, DC is still screwing up their brand. If they make a Supergirl movie, that will confuse everything that they've tried to do with Supergirl on the CW. Actually, the CW universe is far more entertaining than the movie-verse.
DC simply doesn't understand that you HAVE to build your universe slowly to get people involved with your characters. When certain characters in Marvel crossover, it makes sense and organic. DC just wants to shove it down our faces like the mess that was BvS and Justice League. It wasn't earned. And, you kill Superman off in his second movie? Really? Instead of having Superman and Batman at odds from the start, how about having become allies? Why not have them have a falling out later on? And, why would you throw your biggest nemesis Doomsday away in the second movie? Stupid, just stupid.  

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