Monday, September 17, 2018

Guess who just got married? (It's a question)

Guess who is got marries? 
Jeff Stacy (AKA the human/goblin hydrate) got married. The notification showed up on my phone via a YouTube channel I follow. Watching on my phone, I was in total shock. For one, the man looks like something you scrape off your shoe. Second, he is a freaking sexual predator. Third, he's a freaking predator! Fourth, he's a walking talking meme.
I haven't found that special someone, but the meme-mutant actually has a main squeeze.  Keep in mind she is of age too!  I had just written a post about him, making fun of him, and he's now doing better than I in the dating department.
What the f'?
Don't break her heart, Jeff, by falling back into your creepy ways.
It's a Question.”

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