Friday, August 31, 2018

Jeff Stacey (Stacy?): The stereotype of a predator

Jeff Stacey (Stacy?):  The stereotype of a predator 

He was one of those TCAP predators that became a meme.  He has that sex offender facial hair and unkempt hair that would creep out anyone walking near him.  JS also tried to kill himself during the police interview with a pen.  He also had thing about keeping a bunch of keys and a nasty ass jacket.  I also laugh at his cartoon scratchy voice and thick glasses.  He honestly looks like someone that dwells in the sewers.   

Anyway, what’s JS been up to since his arrest?  Not much.  His father died a year after his arrest.  He’s no longer listed as a sex offender anymore and he has sort of disappeared from the Internet and the world.   

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