Monday, August 27, 2018

About that Madden shooting...

About that Madden shooting...
I was completely shocked by the shooting. Here is a lonely asshole nerd going into a fun place and ruining it for everyone. I have to agree with Jim on this. This David dude got butthurt and targeted people that “wronged him”.

Conservatives will use this incident to blame video games in order to move focus away from gun control. SJWs will try to make it about toxic gaming culture. Some are going to claim people bullied him. Ladies and gentlemen, pick your sides. Before we start blocking and yelling at each other, let's pay attention to the shooter's motives and the victims first.
Before pushing our agendas, let's learn all we can from this.
Anyway, let's also make fun of DSP for being a total dick about this in his stream.

Given that your roots are in E-sports, DSP, people probably wanted your opinion on the subject. But, you wanted to be a selfish prick.  

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