Monday, June 11, 2018

We are back...

We are back... 

I have to apologize for my prolonged departure.  A few weeks ago, I went through some major mental issues.  After 20 plus years of being loyal to a company, I came to a decision that I have to either find a way to retire or quit the job.  Then, I had some bad news the next day that sent me over the edge.  I spent my Saturday night sitting in the dark being angry and depressed to the point I couldn't get up.  I was having some of my darkest thoughts ever that week.  So, I needed to take some time off from everything and just sleep on it.  I am going to schedule a few sessions soon.   
The depression is always going to be there.  I am going to have to take steps reducing those aspects of the depression.  I can't end up like Spoony and sitting in my room as everything starts to get worse.   
Part of my source of depression comes from working at a company that doesn't seem to respect the fact I gave them 20 years of work and totally disrespected me a year ago.  I tried forgiving that, but I can't.  Within the next two-three years, I am going to walk away from the company.   During my time off, so many crazy things happened that I want to talk about that it compelled me to return to this crappy blog.   
TB passing away, Chris Chan, DSP, BBQ Becky update and Thundercats Roar. All this crazy crap happen when I took my break. I won't be updating as quickly as before. However, I am back.
Let us begin...