Tuesday, March 06, 2018

DSP tries it: Getting owned by a 11-year-old-girl.

DSP tries it: Getting owned by a 11-year-old-girl.
"Right behind you, idiot."
Brilliant. I didn't want to make another post about this man-child so soon, but this little gem came up and I had to comment and share it. He was playing VR Chat and a little girl belittle him in front of his stream. Instead of taking the comment in stride and making a joke, he feels threatened by the girl calling him names. He makes the Bitch-slap comment after he left the chat room. Yeah, you're a real badass, DSP.
Yeah, calling a little girl a bitch of a kid is a real low. However, DSP has a record of doing shitty things.
I would have laughed and made fun of myself. I love that he got worked up over this moment.
He then talks even more shit about the 11-year-old.

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