Sunday, February 18, 2018

You Got Mail website: kicking it old school...

You Got Mail website
Ah, yes the 90s. This was when Tom Hank's son didn't make shitty rap songs and Meg Ryan's face wasn't melting. This was a time when I didn't get 50 e-mails a day that was spam. Cybersex didn't involve actual sex, but the text on the screen. Chaturbate wasn't invented yet.
You can click around and check out the "interactive" links made famous from the 90s. This site is clearly a throwback to the internet of the 90s. While the Space Jam site is older, it is amusing to see these artifacts in these days of Twitters and Facebook.

Most of the links down work. The soundtrack link is dead. The “chat/BB just link to the WB site. Why would anyone want to chat with You Got Mail? If you want to waste time, check out the cool e-mails from the two characters from the movie. This was viral marketing before it got cool. Check out the out of date actor profiles for a good laugh.
BTW, this nearly Geo-Cities site doesn't work well on Android devices as say windows machines. BTW, I love the Real Player link. I do think it is fitting that we just lost AOL's IM.

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