Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blog Update: Patreon maybe?

Blog Update: Patreon maybe?
I mentioned before that I was planning on opening up a Patreon page for donations. I honestly don't believe I will get any donations, but I might as well try it. I've been doing this blogging for over ten years and I wanted to see if I could make a few coins from it. I need to shift to doing things I like and shifting away from the things I detest, such as my current job. I need to write more short stories and submitting to publications such as I did last year. It is time for me to slowly take the plunge into writing for myself and making something out of it.
After working a side gig where I work on my own, it took me nearly 20 years to realize that working on my own is where my strengths are. I am an entertaining guy that makes people laugh and smile. I found that telling stories and seeing their reactions does bring me joy. Telling people strange pop cultural things makes me happy.
Plus, having a Patreon will make me get out of my depression. I can look forward to making creative things again. My only thing is I believe I don't have that many steady readers. I get a lot of traffic from Google and side post from Reddit, but not steady readership.
As they say, you won't know unless you try.

In the coming days/weeks, I will have a Patreon linked to this site. I just have to do my homework. If you want to give, feel free. If you don't that fine as well.  

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