Wednesday, December 27, 2017

That cool Empire Strikes Back moment: Asteroid hits a Star Destroyer...

That cool Empire Strikes Back moment: Asteroid hits a Star Destroyer...
You can only see this on the wide-screen versions of the movie. Once the asteroid hits the Star Destroyer, you can see a captain react to the explosion and die in flames as his holo-projection flutters out.
It is a nice transition between scenes and a nice edit into Vader's ship where we get to see the captain die a horrible fiery death. In HD, you can see the flames reflect off his uniform before his transmission ends. It is a nice attention to details.
From the wiki page, it looks like the entire ship was destroyed by the asteroid. BTW, that is literally 40K lives wiped out in a second. Vader doesn't even bother commenting or noting that he just lost one of his ships in the fleet. That is a heavy loss, but just a drop in the river that is the Empire. Vader doesn't care how many ships he loses because he wants Luke.
Vader gives zero f's.

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