Thursday, December 07, 2017

August Ames RIP

August Ames RIP
I wrote about this pornstar a while back. She was probably in my top five pornstars currently working. I liked her natural breasts and face. Plus, she had no problem doing interracial scenes.
It would seem August had a blowout on Twitter with some people and she sort of ended with an “F' you” sort of tweet. When are people going to learn not use that stupid site? It is no good for anyone. You're going to change anyone's mind over a limited number of characters.
I can't really blame the backlash for her suicide.
While her husband didn't want people talking about the reasons behind her death. We've come to find out she killed herself by hanging. It has also come out that she had a whole slew of mental disorders.
From NY Daily News, ((Porn star August Ames, who died of a suicide by hanging on Tuesday, revealed her struggles with bipolar depression and multiple personality disorder just months before her death. ))
Plus, you can throw in molestation from her grandfather and you have a terrible thing going on in her head. Given she was not in treatment, so she probably thought suicide was the only way out.
Her death took me by surprise. Given that I have been suffering from extreme depression, this has opened my eyes. The mental pain is real and it limits you from doing anything.
From NY Daily News, (("Some days I'll be fine and if I'm not doing anything I'll get these awful flashbacks of my childhood and I get very depressed and I can't get out of bed and cancel my scenes for like a week or two," Ames revealed. ))
Now for a brighter moment from her life.

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