Tuesday, October 24, 2017

bless you, f' you

bless you, f' you

I sneezed and it always bugs me because some asshole takes it upon themselves to bless you. I didn't want to acknowledge the said person, but I have to say "thank you" just because someone has decided to “bless me”. How about we say "bless you" when we hear someone farting? A fart is a similar type of thing that makes a sound. Most of the time I just want to not be noticed and left alone. I have to worry about sneezing and having someone help me out by blessing me.
I truly hate when I get some concerned person giving me a damn “bless you” when I sneeze. It just bothers me like when people hold the door for me. Stop being nice to me. Yes, I know it is an old superstition, but can we evolve beyond this stupid tradition? I get paranoid when I feel a sneeze coming up.
There are the stories behind the “bless you” superstition
1 Your heart stops and people are blessing you.
2 Your spirit tries to escape and they are blessing you in order to get the spirit back in your body.
3 It seems most people really believe that it came from one of the Popes.
From Got Question, ((During a plague that occurred in Italy in AD 590, sneezing was, or was thought to be, a sign that someone was getting sick with the plague. There is a legend/tradition that Pope Gregory I commanded that, any time a sneeze was heard, the sneezer was to be blessed by saying, “God bless you,” (and making the sign of the cross over his mouth) as protection against the plague. Again, there is no biblical validity to such superstition. At the same time, there is no biblical reason to believe it is sinful to bless someone after a sneeze—in fact, it might just be a good time to extend a kind word and say, “God bless you.” ))
So, when someone says “bless you”, just say, “F' you” back to them. That way they'll never say it back to you or anyone else. Let's end this tradition and make the world great again.  

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