Thursday, September 07, 2017

Random Things

Random Things
~I haven't been updating the blog as much as I would like to. Depression has been taking its toll on me. I am hoping things will get better, but I am not holding my breath. I hate my job so much that I feel sick just spending 3 hours in the place. Every day is a struggle to get through and I have a constant frown on my face. Plus, I have been sleeping 20-plus hour days just because I no desire to get through the day. I'd rather sleep than struggle through the day. I will get through this I hope. Anyway, let's get to making fun of people.

~Chris Chan Update: It looks like the lawsuit between a lender and Chris was dropped. It happened literally at the last minute. I had kind of hoped it would have gone through because Chris needs to learn about consequences. He has gotten away with attacking people (running people over with his car and pepper straying Gamestop employees) and it was time to face the music. However, there is no way this lender would have gotten their money back because Chris doesn't have a steady job other than his government check.
~Jerry Lewis: I didn't make a big post about his death. I wasn't really a fan of his body of work. I felt he was too goofy for me. I also didn't like his movies. I also got the impression he was a huge prick to everyone around him. I would like to learn more about his time with Dean Martin and their falling out. Will we see that bad WW-II clown movie?
~Did you know that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis had their own comic book series? And, DC Comics published it. Here's the kicker, the series lasted from 1952-1971 with 124 issues. It looks like a cheap knock-off of Archie Comics.  Lewis would take over the leading character when the duo broke up.  And, Lewis would "team up" with Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.  I wish I was making this up.  

~Dick Gregory: He died on the same day as Lewis and I found that very strange. I actually met Gregory once in real life. I am not going to say how, but he was an interesting man. He was an activist and a comedian when it wasn't cool to do both.  That was when the civil rights meant something when he was active.  

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