Monday, September 11, 2017

Monica All Eyez on Me

Monica All Eyez on Me
I always felt Monic's voice was strong and pleasant. While I like Brandy's work overall, this song really stood out to me. It is a fun song with a classic Micheal Jackson song as its basis. I am surprised this song wasn't a bigger hit like SWV's Right Here (Human Nature).

Michael Jackson's PYT is used as the backdrop for Monica's song. Here's the best part of that fact; MJ approved of this song and even gave them permission to use the unused portions of his PYT song from an extended demo of his title song. Here's the full version of the song that most people didn't know existed. It is a good listen.
The VO from MJ is different and the last two minutes are different from the released version.
Rumor has it that MJ brought the demo to Monica's studio himself.

For shits and giggles, here is MJ's very early PYT demo before the other one was released.  

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