Thursday, June 29, 2017

Epic Sax Guy

Epic Sax Guy
I was looking for the Sax Guy in Lost Boys, but ran into this little gem. I may be straight, but I totally have a man crush on this epic sax guy. He's like Nic Cage and Steven Seagal in music form and you throw in a smattering of The Boz for good measure. 
Anyway, I did some digging and found out his name is Sergey Stepanov . Damn, even his real name is cool!. I always knew of the Lost Boy guy, but not this guy. He is a member of this Euro group SunStroke Project .
From the wiki, ((After the contest, Stepanov, thanks to his extravangant look and dancing style, quickly became an Internet meme named "Epic Sax Guy" through a YouTube video with Sergey's instrumental solo performance during the group's Eurovision performance. It instantly went viral and spawned quite a few remix videos, including a ten-hour long remixed version. ))

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