Thursday, May 18, 2017

Powers Booth RIP

Powers Booth RIP

From NBC News, ((Powers Boothe, the Emmy-winning character actor admired as one of Hollywood's most reliable villains, died Sunday in Los Angeles, his publicist told NBC News. He was 68.
Boothe died in his sleep of natural causes at his home, said Karen Samfilippo of Image Management Public Relations.))
He was "that guy" in movies and TV. He usually played very evil characters. He really got into the roles as a real bastard. I just finished re-watching Deadwood and I fondly remember his character on that show. He played Cy Tolliver on Deadwood. The character was a really bad person on a show with a lot of bad people.
He was on Agents of Shield playing the same character he played in the first Avengers movie. It was a nice little tip of the hat to the TV shows connecting to the movies in the Marvel universe. Like I said, I really liked Powers Booth. He was in the GOOD Wyatt Earp movie Tombstone as one of the bad guys. He played a really bad guy in the Sin City movies very similar to his Deadwood role. He's done a lot of VO work too in Video Games and DC animated things...even playing Lex Luther and Gorilla Grodd .
He will be missed.
Check out this chilling scene.

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