Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dropping a deuce on donuts

Have you heard this one before? Girl goes to gas station store. Girl has to go to the restroom. Girl opens the doughnut display and shits all over the freshly prepared donuts.
I've been in a hyper depressed mood these past two days, so this video actually made me laugh a lot. Look, I have seen a lot of things on the Internet, but even I was shocked by this incident.
By the way, I love the reaction from the other people. I really love the one woman confronting the poop woman after the dump. “What is wrong with you?”
When someone feels the need to poop in a doughnut display, it is way beyond time to ask that question.
From Fox 4, ((told FOX 4 Friday the store discarded all the merchandise around the woman and thoroughly disinfected the area where she exposed herself. Thornbrugh said the woman did not actually use the doughnut case as a restroom even though the video seems to show otherwise. ))
So, yeah that that is nice to know that cleaned the area. People don't want extra chocholot on their donuts.
Oh, and the story gets even better. The reason this woman took a poop in some tasty donuts is because her daughter “dared” her to do it. Look,I won't encourage my mother to go into Subway and poop on their 5 (6?) dollar foot-longs.

From Fox 4, (( He says the incident apparently involved a dare between a mother and daughter (the mother was the one who took the dare). Thornbrugh said there was no urine or feces to clean up. ))

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