Friday, February 24, 2017

Pet my Dog: Who care about you and your dog

Pet my Dog: Who care about you and your dog
Who is this entitled hipster? Why is he harassing some Muslims into petting his dog? If they're being assholes, fine. However, you're being an asshole by messing with them. Plus, he reminds me of those hipsters that always wear sleeveless shirts and always show their armpits.
If they don't like dogs, then let them be. They're in America and they'll understand that Americans LOVE their dogs. You don't have to shove your dog in their faces.
I love dogs and I would freak out if you acted this way around me.  
If you find him annoying in the video above, he made a response video. He's more annoying.

I don't care about his politics, I just find him annoying.  

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