Friday, January 06, 2017

Rogue One (Part 1 of 3)

Rogue One (Part 1 of 3)

Rogue One is an entertaining movie that fits in perfectly into Episode IV and the overall Star Wars universe. The movie does add certain interesting elements to Episode IV that will change the way you view that movie. Standing on its own, Rogue One can be a fun if somewhat a serious movie. With breath-taking special effects and note worthy characters. For me, Rogue One is a worthy addition to the Star Wars franchise. Gareth Edwards did a masterful job handing handling the movie as a stand-alone story and a bigger piece in the overall franchise.
Basically, this story starts out with a ban of “rogues” trying to get the plans to the Death Star.
In a nutshell, I loved watching this movie. It fills in a lot of story issues I had with the Death Star (but there are still issues with Death Star II) . I had so much fun revisiting the story of Episode IV with something new and interesting in the form of Rogue One.
For the first two acts, the movie goes out of its way to be something different from the rest of the Star Wars franchise. The movie even starts out very differently from the other SW movies due to no opening crawl. For me, I think I the movie should have opened with a crawl, but I understand their decision. The movie does feel a bit disjointed in the first few scenes. However, the story starts to take shape later on and works with it rolling on into the action-centered three act.
Rogue One adds something menacing to the Episode IV and gives us the viewer more gravity into how grave the situation turns out to be. The Death Star and other characters from the Empire are seen as being truly evil and helps give us context in Episode IV.
I've always felt that Episode IV is a movie that doesn't quiet feel like the other SW movies in the trilogy. Vader's suit and helmet are different. The ships look different and the Empire uniforms look basic. This Rogue One movie fits more into the world of EP-IV and EP-III than any of the other movies. Many of the players from EP-IV are not in the rest of the movies, so A New Hope sort of stands alone. And, they show up in Rogue One as side characters.
A New Hope is a basic story with some strip down events due to the budget and being filmed in the 70s. There were limits as to what could be shown, and then there were the issues behind the scenes to factor in as well. Rogue One helps fill in that gap with Part III and IV and further into Return of the Jedi. And, the technology has improved so much that we can we bigger battles and characters. Plus, the movie does also ease us into a richer universe which are the later movie. We see more of the other races involved in the Rebel Alliance. We also get a precursor to the major space battle in Return of the Jedi.

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