Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Westworld Finale thoughts

Westworld Finale thoughts

Wow, they really pulled out the best pay offs for the last episode. There are a few dangling threads here and there that many people have already talk about. How are they going to open the second season with the way it ended?
There will be spoilers. 
-Samurai World?: So, there are multiple worlds just like the movie series. The show just focused on the Western world stuff, but there is a much bigger world. I love this reveal. It opens a lot more stuff to happen next season.
-The different time periods fully confirmed: The Internet really did discover this early on. The technology for the William story line showed that the technology wasn't up to the level of the current time period. The civil war soldiers was one way to point it out the 30 year difference and the different logo for the Westworld company is another way that they subtly revealed the time difference.
-Pain and memory: These two main themes for the overall season and I am noticing that as I re-watch the season.
-The reveal of the Man in Black's origin: We all knew this once we realized there were three time periods. I love the way they edited the reveal of William being and turning into the Man in Black.
-Killing Machines: It was creepy seeing the robots killing off the employees of the WW. And, we see them taking down the security teams.like it is nothing. Good stuff, but with a slight thriller element. These scenes seem like a different show with its thriller elements.
-Red Wedding 2: Yep, they did a form of the Red Wedding from Game of Thrones. I didn't think they'd take it this far with the robots killing off the board memories. I didn't think it would end on such a crazy manner.

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