Friday, October 07, 2016

The Digital Homicide: How Not to Sue

The Digital Homicide: How Not to Sue
This whole Jim Sterling/Digital Homicide/Posters things had me glued to the seat to see what was going to happen next. And,you thought the Gawker downfall was amazing to watch. 
 From Techraptor ((Romine, who filed the lengthy subpoena on September 12th, showed evidence that 100 different users on Steam who have made statements about the indie developer in the past. Romine, who collected numerous photographs of several Steam users speaking negatively about their products, is demanding $18,000,000 by these 100 Steam users in damages for “personal injury.” Judge Eileen Willett sided with Romine, granting him a subpoena for “early discovery” to uncover the Steam user’s identities. ))
That's right they actually threaten to sue people who had bought their games and hated those games. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Basically, DH makes (I use that work loosely) really bad videogames. And, people on Steam know it. So, to shut them up they went after their own customers and a VG critic. Then, Valve (Steam) removed all DH's games from their site. Valve didn't want a company that treated their users in such a hostile manner, so DH got the boot. Wouldn't you do the same?
In return, DH sued Valve too.
Here's the best part. DH are the ones that dismissed the lawsuit cases! And, yes, they're trying to dismiss the Jim Sterling case as well. They couldn't afford to sue all these people.
So, what has happened to Digital Homicide?
From, ((As far as digital homicide? It’s destroyed. It’s been stomped into the ground from a thousand directions and use is discontinued. I’m going back into the work force and watching what’s really going on. Not gaming media gossip – the real stories are in the legal documents. Not talking about mine. ))
Now, check out the video below that goes into detail why DH is hated so much and how they got into this current situation.

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