Monday, July 25, 2016

Star Trek Beyond (Part 2 of 3)

Star Trek Beyond (Part 2 of 3)

Long Live Spock
Nimoy's death is handled respectfully in this installment. Spock Prime passes away during the opening of the movie and off screen. New Spock receives the message and takes it a bit hard. He has a tough decision to make. I have to give Simon Pegg credit for giving Spock Prime a proper send off. Spock was important character to both TOS and TNG and he was the bridge to the new universe. Plus, it sends off Nimoy in a nice way by having it a part of the subplot and a interesting motivation for Spock.
With this subplot, Zachary Quinto has some of his best Spock work here since Star Trek (2009). I felt for this Spock because he actually gets to experience his own death with a different lifetime . And, this is only something sci-fi could give us with the two Spocks. However, Spock is not the main focus of this movie and takes a side-step with the driving force of the main story.
Star Trek Enterprise Squared
Did you like Star Trek Enterprise? There is a very interesting connection between this movie and the series Star Trek Enterprise. The reveal in the third act surprisingly uses the time period of ST Enterprise. The setting is very important to the main villain of Star Trek Beyond. And, it uses the rich lore of trek to drive this new and fresh story.
We get to see the USS Franklin and they really gives us a look at a Star Trek Enterprise era starship. I didn't know there was such a connection to that controversial show, but I dug it. I won't give away all of that connection, but you haven't seen the last of the Archer era style uniforms and shuttles. Pegg and company do a good job connecting this story the grounded TOS story.
Better Krall Somebody
Idris Elba plays the main bad guy in this movie. While he is similar to Nero, he is more defined that villain. He doesn't merely scream as much as Nero and is given a deeper point. He does have a motivation, if a little weak. Some of his history on the planet is a bit vague,and I am sure it was on the cutting room floor. But, I like his connections to the Federation and I just didn't understand his hatred of the Feds.
Idris is cover in heavy makeup, but he plays the angry alien guy extremely convincing. I like that he carries himself slightly stronger than his henchmen. And, there is a brooding to his body language and tone. So, the prosthetics will be a problem for some, but don't get to use to them, because there is a reason why he looks the way he does in this movie. And, it is kind of creepy when you really think about what he is doing to his victims.
So, we have had two Thor actors in our Trek movies.
Rey and Jaylah
Did you know that Rey, the lead character for Force awakens, is in this movie? Well, not really, but the similarities between Jaylah and Rey are striking. Both are scavengers on a harsh planet, and they both collect old things to piece together. They live in old burnt out modes of transportation. She is a fighter like Rey. Plus, there is a charm to Jaylah just like Rey that I like. If the Star Wars and Trek universes shared the same space, I feel these two characters would be friends.
Sofia Boutella is a great female character like Rey, but she is not the main focus of the movie such as Rey. I love the actress playing her and I really like her makeup style and look. Plus, her chemistry with Scotty is also a nice treat for fans. Because she is a tech, she has a bond with the bright eyed Scotty.
Jaylah is very cute, and I found myself really liking the characters. She is alien enough with paint and makeup scheme to be cool, but to still show emotion. By the way, I love how she addresses the other characters by their titles and nicknames. It reminded me of the Korgan from Mass Effect.
I hope she shows up in the next movie and doesn't disappear like Carol Marcus. By the way, what happened to Carol Marcus?
Side Note: This character is supposed to be based on Jenifer Lawrence (J-Law=Jaylah), but she is more like Rey from the SW series.  She is a strong female character without the overblown sexuality.  She is a hero that happens to be female and nothing more just like Rey, 


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