Thursday, June 09, 2016

Starbucks employee gets caught cloning a credit card

Starbucks employee gets caught cloning a credit card
Yep, this whole video is amazing. We get to see the SB worker admit to cloning this woman's card. I love the way the woman in the car handles the SB girl. I can't that believe this young lady is really remorseful. Since she had a cloning machine, she clearly did this before numerous times. When she saw the phone filming her, she caved however. The SB girl claims she is good person, yet she took this woman's card and cloned it.
This happened way back in January of this year. By the way, I can't find much on the thieving employee that cloned the card. I know that Starbucks fired her, but there is nothing else on her. Did she get arrested? Nothing has come out about her.

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