Monday, April 25, 2016

Prince RIP (d)

Prince RIP
From Star Tribune, ((After a frantic 911 call from an unidentified man who said Prince appeared to be dead and that the people at the scene were “distraught,” emergency responders found the musician, unresponsive, in an elevator, the Carver County Sheriff’s Office reported. He was pronounced dead at 10:07 a.m. They performed CPR but were unable to revive him. ))
 This came as a total shock, but it looks like he was very sick over the last couple of weeks. We've lost another musical Icon in my humble opinion. There are so many great songs to choose from and that are true classic. During the 80s, you had to choose between MJ and Prince as your fave popstar. I liked them both.
There are so many classic songs from his various eras of his music to pick from. I still think his Doves Cry is one of my favorite songs.
Prince even paid tribute to Michael Jackson by covering some of his song on his tour after his death. That showed that the so-called feud between was never really real and just for fun. Plus, they were different types of pop stars, both big on production and sound, but from different angles. Plus, it seems that the Jackson family was very close to Prince after MJ's death.
Plus, I only realized recently that Prince modeled himself after James Brown. Many of his moves were clearly similar to the Godfather of Soul. Like MJ, his music just totally kicked ass and still has a place in pop culture today. (Remember Shaun of the Dead?)
I loved his songs from the poplar Batman 89, and they fit with the Joker. It seems the Joker was a huge Prince fan, given that he has a burly bald man carry a boombox around with Prince's music on it. I also liked the musical group Morris Day and the Times. Actually, I liked the Time's music in Purple Rain better than Prince's.
Kevin Smith had this to say about Prince on his Twitter page, ((We lost one of the greatest Artists who ever lived. Prince's music was the soundtrack to my life. RIP, Royal genius. Nothing compared 2 U... ))
KS has some interesting history with Prince and this story is very funny too. It makes the mystery of Prince even better. Will we see that Smith/Prince movie now that he's passed? .
Here is the clip/story.
And, yes Prince tried to sue KS for that story. 
Isn't Prince the first person to change their name to a damn Symbol.  

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