Friday, March 04, 2016

Brazzers combines porn and 4Chan and memes

Brazzers combines porn and 4Chan and memes
What happens when you cross porn,memes and 4Chan? You get 4Chan.However...
I discovered this on Reddit, and I am not sure what I just watched. It's basically a meme parody with a porn face. I even got the spray paint joke IE from the lastest Mad Max movie. And, I like the Bane masks. Brazzers seems to get the meme/internet culture. Keep in mind Brazzers is already meme. I guess 4 Chan wrote the script for this porn video and no, I haven't seen it yet.
I like this trailer, because usually porn is in its own world doesn't tend step out of it. 
BTW, the redhead is very cute.
I might have to watch this porn...for research. 

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