Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Bear Simulator dead: I guess that is kicking a dead bear.

From PC Gamer, ((On Sunday, John Farjay, the sole developer, declared that he would be putting the project aside because Bear Simulator "didn't have a great reception" and admitting that he feels he's "not skilled enough to make the game better than it currently is". ))
This game was crowd-funded by a lot of people. Basically, the game is about playing a bear. That sounds pretty cool, if silly. Well PewDiePie, which I don't get, slammed the game and the maker of the Bear Game stopped production. PewDiePie felt bad for it, but that was his opinion. 
Due to the project being halted, it sounds like a scam, but it isn't. I think I would have keep the game going and make it The Room of VGs.
To be fair, a lot of VG people have slammed the VG like say the Game Grumps. This game is really really bad. And, foxes can kill bears?
On the Pew Die part, he took down his video for a day, but brought it back up. I've deleted posts due to looking back viewing it in a new light, but Pew's video isn't that mean or anyting close to being trolling.
From Pew's Channel, ((I originally took the video down yesterday after hearing the developer felt discouraged from getting harsh criticism. (Most likely not only from me). Now, I’m not interested in making people feeling bad, so I took the video down.. But later after hearing he stopped developing games in total and gave up on this project, it kind of made me think I should keep the video back up. Obviously you don’t stop making games because of one person’s video, and me taking it down made it seem like that was the case to some people. ))


  1. A later comment by the developer:

    "Ok, been in a really weird mood for a while now and cannot snap out of it. Has been really annoying and it shows. Need to get back to my original sarcastic self and stop being so complain-y.

    Will try to make the next update funny and interesting."

    So the game may not be as dead as previously stated.

  2. Thanks for the update. So, I guess he is going for the Room take (after the fact) and making it bad. I love that rats and foxes can kill a bear. WTF
