Friday, December 11, 2015

YouTube Rewind: Yeah, I am out of the loop...

YouTube Rewind: Yeah, I am out of the loop...
Most of this stuff at the beginning of the episode I have no idea what this is about. Most of the music I have never heard before either. However, I still love these yearly YouTube videos. I still think this one isn't as interesting as the last two Rewinds though. For the most part, I kept asking myself who these people were. Maybe it is because I almost died this year, but I feel old when watching this video.  I only vaguely know the Cheerleader song because it plays in the gym I go to.  
-Now, I am a big fan of John Oliver and he's really replaced the Daily Show, because it has become garbage.
-Five Nights at Freddy's: Okay, I like this cameo.  

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