Wednesday, September 23, 2015



Yes, everything received a cartoon version of a live action product. Rambo and Chuck Norris had shitty cartoon versions of their franchises. Heck, even Bill and Ted and Kid N Play had cartoon shows. You also had to add some kind of magical element to the show such as Punky Brewster.
Hammer (MC Hammer formerly) was huge at this point, so some dumb ass came to him with a cartoon proposal. Everyone needed a cartoon show back in the day...everyone.
And, DIC Entertainment studio crapp-ily put this cartoon together. I had completely forgotten about the really bad animation. There seems to be frames taken out of the animation, because movements are really jerky. DIC is one of the worst studios ever, but this cartoon is even worst for their standards.
While Hammer does show up in the live action bits, he also does the main voice of Hammerman.
I do believe this cartoon created the fast downfall of Hammer.

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