Monday, September 28, 2015

Fun with Google Searches...

Fun with Google Searches...
After deleted some medical comment spam from my blog, I came across a Google search for a certain movie I truly hate a lot...Battlefield Earth. But it is not a normal search. The search was about one of the dumbest and funniest scenes in the movie.
The cow leg shooting's the actual Google Search ((battlefield earth why cows legs shot?))
Yes, this scene right here. Try not to laugh.
I wish I could explain the scene away in some sort of Xenu way, but I can't. I am not even sure it's in the damn book. I wish I could answer the searcher's question. Maybe, LRH hated cows...
It's like I will forever be connected to Scientology and Battlefield Earth. And, yes I explained the concept of the Space Church (TM) to my boss at work. He didn't believe me until he looked it up. Once you try explaining Xenu to someone, they look at you crazy.


  1. I watched that Going Clear movie last week. Paul Haggis's reaction to learning the story while he was inside is very telling.

  2. Yeah, that was pretty fnnny and it is good to know that even people within the church think it is total BS. When i get to the lien ghost, people think I am BSing them. I honestly think Cruise felt that way he he wasn't into the church that much
