Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wait, Even Jared has a damn book...

I've spent probably a good ten years trying to get a book off the ground. I truly dreamed of having my name on the cover of an epic novel (in a series). A few years ago I came to the conclusion that wasn't going to happen. However, it still hurts that dream never came to be.
So, it always bothers me that some “famous” people get book deals, but have never wrote or tried create a manuscript. Because these guys were famous, they would get great book deals.
Due to the recent reveal in the news, guess who has a book, but is one of the worst people in the world?
Jared from Subway...

And, the name of this piece shit book is Jared, the Subway Guy: Winning Through Losing: 13 Lessons for Turning Your Life Around and it came out back in 2006. I guess it is more focus on the Losing portion now in his life.
And from the Amazon page, ((Jared Fogel was, is, and will continue to be America's weight loss icon. As an obese college student in Indiana he lost 245 pounds on a self-devised diet of Subway sandwiches. Since 2000, he has appeared thousands of times on national television as the spokesperson for Subway's Eat healthy Platform; and he's slated to continue in this role indefinitely. In fact, Subway worried that he might be getting overexposed and decided to discontinue him. Sales fell off. Jared was quickly rehired. But to keep him from being overexposed, Subway's program runs Jared for six or eight weeks every three months. ))
I'm sure now Subway would have dumped him a long time ago.  
Basically, the entire book is just a bunch of lies, given that he is total sexual predator.
Oh, and guess who else has a bunch of books, but is a piece of shit too? 

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