Saturday, August 01, 2015

Uwe Boll Done with movies?

Uwe Boll Done with movies?

I know that I am the guy that says follow your dreams, but I'v always wanted horrible director Uwe Boll to fail. I just want him to stop making movies based on VGs or movies period. Now, it looks like I might get my wish.
His movie are bad...really bad. They not even in a “funny” bad way either. I tried watching Postal and stopped. In the Name of the King is horrid. I've taken poops better than most of his movies. Since that German loophole dried up for him, he's been having more problems getting funding for his shitty movies.
So, where does a super-hack director go for funding? Crowd Funding...
However, he can't even get the crowd-funding thing right.  He failed a few times getting funding for his movies. So, now Boll has a couple of rambling attacks against fans and crowd-funding sites via youtube. Way to keep it classy, Boll. 
Now, he's folding up his director's chair hopefully for good and going golfing.
He bashes Marvel and money. So says the director that used a tax loophole to get rich and makes movies about vampires. Sure, Boll.

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