Friday, August 21, 2015

Keegan Key's half brother is...

So, I was listening to Pete Holmes' You Made It Weird podcast and Keegan Key was on the show. Keegan mentioned that he had a famous half brother that worked into comic books that he discovered later in life. Keegan said that his brother worked for Marvel and DC and was one of main people to bring minorities into DC. He then mentioned that his half-brother passed away in 2011.
He didn't say his comic book writer brother's name. However, that got me to thinking. Holy crap, his brother was Dwayne McDuffie
McDuffie was one of the founders of Milestone Comics, which was an imprint of DC Comics. Milestone had a focus on more people of color as heroes in their books and even had a major crossover with DC/Superman. McDuffie also oversaw the animated version of Static Shock, which in turn folded into the DCAU and Justice League. McDuffie was one of the driving forces behind some of the best over-arcing stories from Justice League Unlimited. Plus, his Milestone universe would later fold into the main DC universe.
He was the producer on many of the well-written DC animated movies, which are still kicking ass today.
I looked up to McDuffie because he was truly a fan of the material and brought other races into the comic lore without it seeming heavy-handed and preachy, something both companies need to take note of now. He did it an organic way and not because it NEEDED to be done. We need more fiction writing minorities like him.
I thought it was cool to find out that Keegan is related to this man. 

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