Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Random Things

Random things
~Still Moody: But, driving around the city meeting people has entertained me. I've really enjoyed all walks of life. I've gotten a few regulars I've driven around town a few times and they're good people . My ratings have gotten pretty good overall. I still a bit saddened by the loss of my uncle, plus I lost my Grandmother in the same year. I am not sure how much more of my real job I can take without totally freaking out, because I hate the place so much. I have to hang in there though.  

 ~Confederate Battle Flag: All this talk of this ugly flag has got me thinking. I really don't care if people fly their flags. I will probably try to avoid you if I see you wearing it or flying it. You and I will probably have very little in common. I never understood why the far right would support this flag given their stance of not burning the American flag. Why support a flag that stands for slavery and divide? It is good to see some from the GOP take a stance against some of the Confederate symbols though. 
Most of these fools are aware that the actual Confederate Flag looks like this.  The one above was merely the battle flag. 
~Dick Van Patton Dead: I had no idea this guy was still alive up until this point. He just passed away at the age of 86. That's pretty old in my book. He will always be remembered as the father figure on TV. I remember him from the show Eight is Enough. I loved Dick Van Patton in Spaceballs.
 ~Jaden Smith explains that stupid Batman suit he wore Kim and West's wedding: And, it doesn't make sense. He wanted to “heighten his experience and protect everyone at the wedding”. Yeah, shut the f' up you foolish fiend. I am really started to hate this kid even more. He has no talent, but wants to be famous. He's a teen now and he's still dressing up as a superhero...at social evets. Kind of strange, dude.

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