Tuesday, June 30, 2015



Man, what a freaky movie. Like other movies recently, this movie takes a huge dump on the press. “If it bleeds, it leads” sort of mindset is the focus of local news. The movie isn't prefect, but does a good job with its subject matter.
The movie is about a guy that stumbles into the world of the news gathering. He goes around filming shooting and accidents. He then sells them to news stations. But, what happens when he starts to get involved with the news he's filming?
Jake Gyllenhaal is wonderfully creepy in the lead role. He plays a very dark character that morphs into whatever person that can get him ahead. I love how dangerous this guy is and how willing he is to switch from hustling to violence in a matter of moments. His character plays everyone in one form or another. It is truly fun seeing him manipulating everyone and everything.
His character slips from being a junk collector to a news gather in minutes.
The movie has some wonderfully directed moments where violence has happened and these news guys show up within seconds of the scenes filming the aftermath. And, Dan Gilroy does a masterful job with the directing of these dark scenes.
Things really get intense from in the last act with the introduction of a home invasion. Gyllenhaal's character takes advantage of this incident and manipulates it. The dark twist the story goes from this point on is get. Plus, the movie ends on a bleak note, but plays it as a triumphant call for the main character. However, it's just bad for everyone else around him.
Nightcrawler is a neat little film that takes you on some dark paths, while giving some shit to local news channels in the process. It doesn't come across as being too preachy either. Gilroy does a good job with the script and Jake Gyllwnhaal knocks it out of the park with his portrayal.
Grade: B

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