Monday, June 01, 2015

Game of Thrones Hardhome battle

Game of Thrones Hardhome battle
 The entire episode was great, but I had not idea this huge battle was going to happen at the end of the episode.  It was kind of a surprise.  I thought they were only going to hint at the White Walkers encroaching on them, but they went all out with this battle. 
Usually, they have the episode before the last episode is the big event episode, but this time they had it for episode 8 instead, and that shocked me.  This episode stood out because it dealt with the White Walkers and their army.  I’ve always found their storyline interesting.  I love the concept of the WW and that they really are the big villains that loom over the series. 
-I loved all the scenes with the meeting of the Wildlings in their camp:  We also get to see another strong Wildling female character, and she was promptly killed off at the end. 
-Dogs Barking: I loved how the dogs were spooked and the storm/wind started to loom over Wildling camp.  What a great way to lead up to the battle. 
-They closed the gate:  We see the Wildlings left behind the gate “disappear” rather quickly. 
-Wights (zombies): They were faster in this episode and I loved it.  It almost felt like World War Z in a few places.  They were truly scary. 
-Giant action:  I loved the giant attacking the wights and stomping on them.  Then he picks up a flaming log and attacks them. 
-Jon Snow vs. the White Walker:  Brilliantly done.   I love the total shock on his face when he withstands a WW attack and kills it with his own sword instead of dragon glass.  What’s that about?  I guess dragon glass isn’t the only thing that can kill these guys.
-Arise, dead people:  The Night's King glares at Jon and company and then does a totally badass thing.  He raises his arms and all the dead people wake up and are added to the wight army. 
Everyone is in trouble. 


  1. I think the secret to Valyrian steel, the unreproducible ingredient this entire time, is obsidian. Valyria was supposed to be filled with it.

    It would also explain why they could be reforged from old swords made from the material.

  2. I think your theory has the most validity to the others floating around and makes sense. The GOT wiki just updated its entry on the steel too!
