Thursday, June 04, 2015

A Bobcat and a Coyote meet on a bicycle trail…

A Bobcat and a Coyote meet on a bicycle trail…
Sounds like the start of a lame joke.
I love how the bobcat tries to sneak up on the coyote as if the coyote didn’t know he was there.  I thought coyotes hung out in packs so things like this wouldn’t happen.  The coyote does seem to be fairly young, so he probably doesn’t have a posse yet.  Anyway, I love how calm these animals are around humans. I'm guessing someone has been feeding them. 
I think the humans being around and the yelp saved this coyote’s life, because that bobcat was hungry. 
I also got a kick out of the bobcat doing a “Screw you, guys.  I’m going home.” 

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