Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sonic Boom, the Sonic 06 of 2014-15?

Sonic Boom, the Sonic 06 of 2014-15?
I had no idea the game was this bad. Maybe Chris Chan was right about this game. Anyway, I've never seen the reviews this bad for a Sonic game since Sonic 06. By putting this game on the Wii U, the game is even worst than Sonic 06 in some ways from what I read. 
I just started watching the Game Grumps take on the Sonic Boom game.  It reminds me of the old Sonic 06 videos.  
The best part is Sega knew the game was shit and refused to give out review copies to gaming sites. It's like when a movie studio doesn't screen a movie for critics. Sorry, but gamers are a little bit more clever than you think they are. Not all the time (all the COD clones), but Sonic is now considered a joke. I think the Generations game was probably the last good game.
Sega, you didn't even bother getting rid of the game-breaking glitches and decided to put out an unfinished game. Sega paid the price for this shitty game too. It was one of the lowest selling games from a Sonic game ever. And, this pretty much closed the door on Sega making games for consoles in general and they moving to mobile games instead. Too many shitty games will mess up a company.
I was a Sega fanboy, but even I see that this company doesn't even try anymore.

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