Saturday, May 23, 2015

Random Things

Random Things  
~Feeling a little better, but had a bad day at work.  I felt shitty and even more moody than usual.  I applied for a new job that I hope I can get sooner than later.  I don't want to say the name of the company, but it is a rideshare company.  I am not sure I can mention it by name yet.  I am waiting on the background check.  Since I have a new car, why not make some money on it.  I would love to work this weekend, but that might not happen.  I love the prospect of not having a boss and signing in on my own time.  I also had to buy my first Smartphone.  I'm digging it.   
 ~Softening the relationship between the US and Cuba?:  I certainly hope so.  Things are going to shit with ISIS and Russian doing some strange things.  It's been a long time since these two countries have even talk.  People don't give Obama credit for all the things he's accomplished.  The right refuses to give him credit for taking care of terrorist threats and the left says he's not left enough and not providing more social programs. I don't agree with everything he's done, but he isn't Bush that for sure. 
  ~Suicide Squad movie photo: I am actually more pleased with their look than the Superman v Batman trailer. I am actually looking forward to Suicide Squad over Batman/Superman. I like seeing a bunch of villains and anti-heroes being forced to team up due to the government. It feels like DC is getting something right. I would have still wanted the DC movies to link up with the DC TV Shows. Marvel showed that you can have a shared universe for TV/movies. DC still doesn't get it. Could you imagine CW's Arrow and Flash showing up in the movies. How about Supergirl? 
  ~Carjacker tries to jack someone and gets the tables turned on him: I'm a supporter of gun owners, responsible ones, because you have people out here that are very dangerous. And, they will just get into your car and try to harm you. Hashim Fannin didn't shoot first and ask questions later. He just defended himself and got the cops to show up. He also laid the gun down when the cops rolled up. Smart move because a stupid cop will look at a black man holding a white guy at gunpoint and think of something sinister. Take note, George Zimmerman. I hate when these crack heads think they can roll in someone and jack them of their cash and stuff.


  1. For the first item, if you get it and you are using your personal vehicle, I'd look into getting commercial insurance so you don't get reamed if you have an accident.

  2. I'll look into that given the amount of drunk drivers on the road during peak times. I just hope I can get signed on soon. Thanks for the tip.
