Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~I feel constantly angry and mean: While I never want people to talk to me, I am really feeling even more withdrawn. I know it's depression, but damn it is a bitch. People say I need to take some time off and perhaps take a leave or something, but I can't afford to do that. I wish I could, but I can't. I'm starting to feel sick and sore as well as moody.  I know it has something to do with my uncle dying. 
~Woman gets hit by foul ball: That's pretty f'ed up. It looks like she was getting some snacks. I'm almost certain there was a huge knot on her head. People want to be up close to the game, but not this close. This is just another reason I hate going to sporting events, but then I hate sports.
~Gamer of Thrones scene: Okay, it was horrible to watch that certain scene, but are people really going to give up the show over it? I guess so. I don't think it was necessary to have a rape scene at the tail end of the episode. However, I think HBO wants people to start hashtags and get all preachy over the controversy. HBO knows people are going to get offended and start twitter crusades, thus giving the show free press. Now, I can't wait to see Stannis Baratheon march on the North. If you're going to show rape like this, you're going have to show this horrible person get what's coming to him in the end.
Don just released an ass cloud. 
 ~Final Episode of Mad Men: I liked it a lot. Plus, I loved the Coke ad at the end. I am going to miss the show. It kind of fell out of flavor with me during the first half of the final season, but gained steam during the second half. I love that Don Draper just left the company and roamed around the west coast doing whatever he wanted. Plus, he finally realized that he wasn't there for his children. I am probably going to miss Christina Hendricks the most damn she is sexy as hell. I like where they left her character, that being a woman that will turn out to be okay as a talent broker. Elisabeth Moss can go back to visiting the Celebrity Center. 
 Now that you're not too busy, call me.

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