Friday, January 30, 2015

Random Things

Random Things

 ~Chinchilla at the pet store: I saw a Chinchilla at a pet store next to the gym. I used to have all kinds of pets growing up including rats and hampters, but never a Chinshilla. I saw one up close at a pet store. He was running in his large wheel and would jump out and give me a sideways glance. These things are so cute. However, they cost a lot of money. Right now, they cost around 140 bucks at the pet store
  ~Stacy Dash Did she actually say that?: First off, I used to have a thing for Miss Dash. I am really into light-skinned black women, and she was on top of that list. Not anymore. She made one of the stupidest remarks I've ever heard in a long time. She claims “bad girls” should blame themselves for over drinking. We talk about victim blaming and this is clear victim blaming. Just because a girl has a little bit too much to drink doesn't mean you should take advantage of her. And, mixing the gun control thing with rape is totally wrong and misguided. It does matter if a woman is slutty or straight-edge. Rape is wrong and it completely the fault of the person doing it to the victim. We as human beings have a choice to do good or bad things. Look, I know she's conservative, but not this stupid. 
 ~Mitt Romney leaves Presidential running: Thank you, Romney. Remember, this was the guy that honestly believed he was going to win the election. Despite the polling and the science, he was shocked by the loss. He also paid for a fireworks display, which never happened. The best part is the transitional website went live after his loss, which is the funnest thing I've ever seen. Just go away. 
 ~Suge Knight arrested and charged with murder: Speaking of a-holes, the thuggery asshole Suge Knight allegedly killed one man and injured another one by running over them with his truck. Somehow, there is an Ice Cube connection too, because the guy killed worked with him. There could be all sorts of things mixed in with this murder. Why would you do such a thing, Suge? I guess you can't ask a thug to think. I know there was an argument.

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