Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Samurai Cop 2: I guess we're getting another one

Samurai Cop 2: I guess we're getting another one
 I wasn't sure there was enough people out there to make it a crowd funding thing, but here it is. It met his goal and more in the kickstarter fundraiser. The first Samurai Cop movie was a “cult” hit and a notoriously bad movie. The reason I even discovered they were doing another Samurai Cop movie was because I was rolling around Lexi Belle's Twitter Page and came across a crew photo. (What was I doing on Belle's Twitter page? Research?) My first thought was, “Wait, they're making another one?” 
The first movie was infamous for being a bad movie...a really bad movie. 
The Shaq Fu and Samurai Cop 2 kickstarters just go to show that you can put anything up for crowd funding. I am not knocking it, but fascinated by crowd funding. Shit can get funded.
The follow up movie has a bunch of pornstars and character actors from the b-movies from the 90s...plus, Tommy Wiseau . Yes THAT Tommy. The best part is they literally found and dug up Mark Frazer, the SC's jive talking black partner, and had him reprise his role. Keep in mind, Frazer pretty much closed shop after SC1 and did one episode of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman before SC2.

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