Monday, December 08, 2014

Newsroom latest episode (thoughts)

Newsroom latest episode (thoughts)
 I have a love/hate relationship with this show. There are times when the show works brilliantly like the second and thirds season, but also is a little shaky like the first season. I think Aaron Sorkin's disdain for the Internet and Internet culture is being laid on a bit thick, but I also understand his hatred of sites like Gawker Media. He's done a better job conveying his political views in a narrative this season than the first season. I think the show has done a good job giving us a discussion of what journalism, journalism activism and ethics. These are things we are discussing right now in the media, clearly he foreseen much of this.
This has been a good season overall. This is also the last season.
-Sam Waterston played his scenes extremely well: If you go back and notice, Waterston's character looks tired and worn down in every scene. However, Charlie Skinner was on edge the entire episode.
-Charlie Skinner's death: Yep, that was a sad moment. I always liked this character the most. Plus, it gets sadder when you know that Will wasn't there for his friend's death.
-Discussion of rape: It is a heated subject, but the episode did a good job with the subject.
-Olivia Munn scene: Yes, Aaron, we know you hate Gawker, but I think you laid it on a bit too thick. Yes, that app was real, and the argument was sound, but it came across a bit too preachy.
-Jim and Maggie relationship shit: This has always been the weaker part of the show. Why are these silly relationship subplots always shoehorned into TV shows?

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