Saturday, November 15, 2014

Jonathan Koppenhaver, you're even worst than before.

Jonathan Koppenhaver, you're even worst than before.
When I read the headline to this link, anger arouse inside me. Allegedly, Daily Mail reported that War Machine started to smirk. I guess his hearing is going on right now. Christy Mack took the witness stand and WM started to laugh at her testimony.
From, ((KLAS-TV reports that Jonathan Koppenhaver (also known as War Machine) started laughing shortly after the prosecutor asked Christy Mack, “Was there sexual violence?” and she responded with a “yes.”))
Regardless of the time line, we know that you did in fact beat the living crap out of her. Not some threats on twitter or harassing e-mails, but you physically beat the living crap out of her. There is physical evidence. I think sometimes overlook the actual physical abusers. Yet, you sit there and laugh. You think this is a joke?  You laugh about beating someone you supposedly loved in their own home.  That's just evil.  
I hate these pricks.
F' you, WM.
I hope you spend a long time in prison and getting to know all the locals in the cell block.  

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