Friday, November 07, 2014

About that SNL skit with Chris Rock AKA Family Situation

About that SNL skit with Chris Rock AKA Family Situation
Note: This might actually get taken down, but watch for now here.
That was painful, and that was a bad skit from the get-go. The laughter was very thin and then it gets worst when the woman leaves the stage early without finishing her bit. Actually, the funniest part is when she loses her place and looks for the cue cards. Then, there is that long pause and then she stumbles on her lines, which in turn makes Chris Rock stumble.
It almost feels like something on Tim and Eric's show on Adult Swim. From what Reddit says, the Hulu version doesn't have this skit in it.  And, they're trying to keep it off the Internet. 
Now, how do you do this sort of thing correctly?
Eddie Murphy screwed up on SNL in a skit and kept in character. He even acknowledged it in-character and pointed it out. Then he turns on the audience in-character trying to keep from smiling and laughing. Man, that was brilliant.

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