Thursday, October 16, 2014

After beating up a 50 year old man, they attempt to throw him off the train.

After beating up a 50 year old man, they attempt to throw him off the train.
I look at our black youth and shake my head. We're doomed. We sit there wonder why the black can't seem to get ahead. This video is a prime example of that. Then we also have those videos of angry mobs of black teens going around and beating up random people. (This happened in Louisville recently)
What has happened to the black community?  
I hope these asshole are arrested.
1 You have black teenagers trying to gang up on an older man: Then they attempt to murder him by throwing him off a moving train.
2 Groups of other black youths doing nothing, but watching it. How about trying to stop the fight in order to save your friends from going to jail?
3 You have black girls egging on the fight between these people while shouting “World Star”. If you want to know if something is ratchet, just listen for the world star approval shout.

We are doomed if this what our community has to offer.   

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