Saturday, August 02, 2014

That’s one way to wreck a show.

That’s one way to wreck a show.
I listen to Doug Loves Movies, but he may have had one of the worst guests ever heard on the show.  The man that pretty much ruined this podcast was Onur Tukel.  I know I shouldn’t list his name anywhere in the post, because he might come in here and attack me, but damn he brought the show down to a crawl every time he opened his mouth. 
The best part of the podcast is when Doug tells him to get off the stage.  Yes, the host of the show throws a guest off stage about 15 minutes left in the show.  What’s sad is he was kind of there to promote his indie movie Summer of Blood, most people are going to come away with him being a prick than talking about his movie. 
-Onur goes off stage a few times for alcohol:  If it isn’t a funny departure, than it becomes awkward.  
-Rants that go nowhere:  He goes off on rants that stop the progress of the show, and then drops it in a huff mid-rant.  What?  He does this a number of times. 
- Pretentious meter is off the chart:  I am a better filmmaker than the big Hollywood movie-makers.  If you listen to him enough, he comes across as the Phil Phish of movies.
For the hell of it, here’s the trailer to his movie, which he stars in. 

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