Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bike Tour

Bike Tour
Well, I went on my first bicycle tour yesterday in the morning.  I had to cross over to the Indiana side of the river to get to meeting place.  It was for a charity, so we had to pay to get in.  Despite the rain, I had a lot of fun.  It happened in Corydon, Indiana, so I got see farmland up close and personal. 
We rode around for 25 miles around the county land.  The second half of the tour had massive hills.  They were some of the worst hills to go up and a bit of a challenge.  However, I managed to ride up all of them without dismounting my bike.  That was an intense ride for sure, but I made it through.  I am not sore at all. 
- Llama Farm:  Yes, I saw a Llama farm rolling through the country land.  They all turned and looked at us.  You could see them from far away due to the white coats. 
-Goats and Sheep:  They also made appearances. 
-Dog chased me:  It came out of a yard in a broken down house.  A pickup truck driver almost hit the dog when it crossed the street back into his yard. 
-Church on Saturday: We passed a church in full service with music bellowing out of the walls.  I found it odd they had a huge service on a Saturday, but this is more of a red state area. 
-Corn and Cows:  I saw a lot of this stuff.  I usually ride in the city and county where I see a lot of woods and streetlights.  

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