Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Lindsay sues GTA aka Rockstar

Lindsay sues GTA aka Rockstar
I'm calling bullshit on this one. You see Lindsay, since she can't get any acting work now, does a shady thing. She will sue anyone that has money and hopes to get some cash out them. She's done this numerous times, sometimes winning money and sometimes losing. She has to feed her habits somehow, and suing people and companies that make money is one of them.
What's not talked about in many of the non-video game sites is the character is based on Shelby Welinder and not on the appearance of Lindsay. Sorry, Lindsay, you've never looked that good. Nice try. I guess she could sue for the likeness as for the character's history, but again this character is combo of all the various “famous” women in Hollywood.
People have made a case for a lawsuit. However, there is the shadow of parody that this clearly falls under. It just pisses me off that this is her form of payment now, suing. Rockstar shoulc really fight tooth and nail over this lawsuit.

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