Wednesday, July 02, 2014

AT&T you will ads: Remember...

I remember these ads back in the day. I was really into them thinking, “These are amazing! I can't wait to see these inventions.” Well, they've sort of sneaked up on us and we have most of these innovations. And, we overlook them and take them for granted.
To my surprise, I found out that David Fincher directed these ads. Yes, the same one that directed all those dark, but interesting movies. Plus, you have to VO work being done by Magnum PI himself Tom Selleck.
What's funny is that most of these innovations were that they were created and produced by companies outside of AT&T. Companies like Microsoft, Apple, IBM and Sony brought these things to us. Not to mention the Videogame systems. In a lot of way, AT&T has hampered innovation with their shitty services. But, they predicted a lot of this new technology. I don't think the future turned out as “hazy and dimly lit” though.
GPS: This one has been around for a while. This was one of the ones that came in rather early. Heck, now they can even track you on your cell phone!
Toll Booth Autopay: This is a reality now too. I believe. We don't have tolls in Louisville...yet.
Fax from beach: This one is basically wireless. They called it a fax but no one uses faxes anymore...really. But, they're talking about sending info through the WIFI.
Concert Tickets from a cash machine: If you go to the higher end movie theaters, they have these machines in them. And you can buy your tickets without standing in line. Really cool.
Public Video Phones: This hasn't turned out the way they predicted. It has actually become more of a cell phone deal with live video streaming and things like that. I know they really wanted the video phone thing to work though. Phone Booths are pretty much gone.
Voice Activated door: I think this is around.
Video and Online conferencing : Yep, this one is really used now with Go To Meeting and other services. My brother does this all the time with his co-workers. This one they got right on the money.
On Demand movies and video: This one is right on the money now. We have cable on demand and Internet video services like Hulu and Netflix.
Classes online: I took some of these. I had a teacher from a different state teaching me. I heard there are streaming and video classes to now.
Auto-Scanner for the supermarket: While it isn't like the ones we see in the video. The U-scan pretty much does the same thing. I love using the U-Scan because I have very little interaction with actual people and I'd rather use that thing than using a clerk.

The Phone Watch: This one just came out last year.  

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